Get ready to serve!

Join us on Sunday, October 17 for God's Work Our Hands Sunday
On Sunday, October 17 from 10 a.m. to noon, in place of Adult Forum and the Outdoor Family Worship Service, we will bear the fruit of service and celebrate "God's Work Our Hands" Sunday.
Congregations across the ELCA engage in service projects on God's Work Our Hands Sunday. These acts of service offer an opportunity for us to experience God's life flowing in and through us, connecting us to others and sharing God's life with them. This Sunday is also a part of our stewardship campaign, reminding us that service is one way that we as Christians "bear fruit."
At St. Matthew, we are offering two service projects for you to choose from. Read about each project below.
#1 Pack Lutheran World Relief School Kits
We will gather in the Hall of Evangelists and fill backpacks with school supplies for Lutheran World Relief. Click here for a list of school supplies we need donated. (Please note - anyone can donate school supplies, whether you're planning on attending or not). Items may be dropped off at the church office or left in the gray bins outside.
A bagged lunch will be provided by our Fellowship Committee, to be eaten outside at SMLC, or taken with you.
Sign up for LWR School Kits Project
#2 Gifts of Love Farm, Simsbury
Participants will meet at the farm at 10 a.m. to help with gathering the fall harvest, cleaning the greenhouse, and painting.
A bagged lunch provided by our Fellowship Committee will be provided on-site at the farm, to be eaten outside or taken with you.
Sign up for Gifts of Love Farm Project
Please contact the church office if you have any questions. We hope you will join us as we dig deep, reach out, and change lives!