Hi Sunday School families!
I hope you all had an enjoyable summer despite the pandemic. We'll be
starting Sunday School again in September meeting twice per month on
zoom at 10:15am. PB and Dick will be teaching short lessons between the
9:00am zoom worship service and the 11:00am outdoor worship service.
Our Rally Day weekend will kick off Saturday Sept. 12th at 6:00pm with a
special in-person event called "Prayer & Popsicle Night". Families will
drive to the church parking lot and remain in their cars while PJ & PB
hand out popsicles, offer prayer, and we socially distance our way to the
start of Sunday School!
The next morning, Sunday Sept. 13th, Sunday School students will be
leaders during 9:00 am zoom worship. We're looking for volunteers to be
lectors, prayer readers, and creed readers. Please respond to PB by
replying to this email if your child is willing to help lead in one of those
The first typical Sunday School lesson will be on Sunday Sept. 27th at
10:15am. And we plan to meet on zoom for class twice per month until
December and reassess the possibility of meeting in-person at that point.
Lastly, please fill out the Sunday School Registration Form as well as our Image/Photo Release Form.
Please email an electronic copy of these forms to Melissa Bender, our Sunday School Coordinator, at melissabender575@gmail.com. Thank you Melissa!
We look forward to a great year of Sunday School and being able to
connect with our kids in new ways with modern technology. We hope the
year will be creative, fun, and inspiring as we grow closer to God and stay
in Christian community during these unprecedented times.
See you on Saturday the 12th!
Pastor Brian & Melissa